The Tenants of Pride

Avneesh Singh Shisodia
1 min readJun 2, 2020


O how they despise it
When the light pierces through
To shine upon and reveal
Their vices lurking in darkness

O how they run until breathless
Hiding away from those embers
Wary of the inevitable
And frightful of liberation

O the horror on their faces
When the old pillars of pride
Plummet and burn to the ground
Their ashes scattered in oblivion
By the fierce winds of revolution

And when the sun rises high
When all is burnt and dusted
They stand overwhelmed
Wondering at their wilful blindness
Appalled by the cowardice
They had worn like a medallion

As they dive in penance
The seeds of humility
Emerge from the ruins
Burgeoning forth to declare
The age of glorious wisdom

